Friday, December 31, 2010


2010, you have been quite the year. 2008 wasn't the best. It was one of my worst years in recent memory accompanied by 2003. Then 2009 came along and everything felt like it was going to be a better time and it was and it did. I won't do 2010 the injustice of putting it in the same category as 2003 and 2008 but it was an awesome year filled tough realities. Needless to say, I am enjoying the brief moments I have to sit down and write and pet my cat and think.

With hours left in this year, I caught myself rushing around to Brooks Brothers for a bow tie and then to buy wine and couldn't help but notice that I was sweating. With December being a relatively cold month, I was surprised, pleasantly, that today has been such a warm and beautiful day, hence the sweat. I stopped to take a moment to sit with Audrey and scratch her head when I realized that with all my rushing around waiting for another day to come to an end that this cat was oblivious to the frenzy that humans are putting themselves through. There is something completely gratifying about that. I should be so lucky to have such simplicity at some point in my life.

So now, I sit here alone and await the dinner party that will be filled with couples and me, the only single. How's that for simplicity? I suppose I deserve that. I was told once that I shouldn't live my life feeling that I regret anything I have done. The actions I take govern how I see and feel. This, I feel to be true. I will say this about this year, that I do regret losing a great friend. So now the countdown begins and I have to make my new beginnings in a new house and zip code. Maybe I'll love 2011. I will have to wait and see.

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