Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mexicans v. Crypt Keeper

Housekeepers rejoice!

Today, U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton struck down key sections of Arizona's new immigration law, SB 1070. Sorry Arizona Governatrix Jan Brewer. I bet grandma is pissed! You better believe she plans on putting up a fight. Let's hope she doesn't break a hip in the process.

Gov. Jan Brewer
I'll get you my pretties and your little churro too!

After all this is said and done, we have to remember that Article 6 of the constitution says that federal law trumps state law. Suck on that Republicans and Tea Partiers. Somewhere, there is a Mexican landscaper, eating a carne asada burrito from Filibertos in a pick up truck and smiling a little bit bigger.

This carne's for you Juan!

Calhoun Street Bedroom


Random Sketches on Restaurant Stuff


Drawing on a bar napkin from the Upper Deck

I envisioned a Roman marble bust while taking the Deck's everyday special, a shot of whiskey and a PBR. I always manage to lose bar napkins after I doodle on them. Sort of makes it feel like a miscarriage, losing the napkin. Well, a miscarriage of artistic gestation. This is one of the few babies that has survived. Sometimes, the mood to create artistic whoopi can occur on something as random as the styrofoam lid to my Mexican leftovers after a few cervezas.

Seated woman and hot sauce

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Career Counseling

One day after work, not too long ago, I popped over to a friend's house to sit a spell and have a refreshment. A grand southern tradition to say the least. Little did I know that I had gone to a career counselor's office instead. It initially didn't start off that way but you better believe that's not how it ended up being.

I was just sitting on the couch trying to enjoy the roast of Bob Saget when my friend John decided it was time for me to get serious about my life. Then a barrage of questions came flying my way. What'd you go to school for? What do you want to do? What's your objective? What does that mean? Why aren't you doing this? Why aren't you doing that? Of course! He must have known that I prefer my Budweiser in a coozy with a heaping helping of shame on account of my living up to being most likely to succeed in Coolidge 2002. Ugh.

Like I said, this happened during Bob's roast which meant I was forced to miss Suzie Essman and Cloris Leachman dole out the insults. I love those bitches. So there I am, sitting there getting schooled on how to be an upstanding career professional and loving every excruciating moment. You have to keep a few things in mind while all of this was taking place. First, he is damn drunk. Secondly, there he was, Charleston's Lee Iaocca, giving me this big lecture on life while he is was in a speedo at 1:30 in the morning.

98 Degrees of Separation

So this past Sunday, some co-workers and I celebrated the departure of Trevor and Tim from the Fuel Family. Naturally, this meant a lot of carousing around town, bar to bar, in a limo while getting into some shenanigans. What is a limo but just a fancy school bus driving over two dozen drunk adults around acting like children. I had no clue the night would led us down Celebrity Lane but Allah must have been smiling down on us.

scene of the crime

Before we shuttled off to the strip club, we made a fateful pit stop at Social Wine Bar on East Bay Street. Upon entering, one of the first people I see was Nick Lachey. (that dude from 98 Degrees with the thinning hair who used to be married to Lane Bryant covergirl Jessica Simpson.) Accompanying Lachey, was current girlfriend Vanessa Manillo who grew up here in the lowcountry. It may have been the champagne or maybe it was the tequila that compelled me to walk over and talk to Vanessa Manilla just as Nick Ass-ey headed off to the pisser. We make small and just before our conversation ends she asks me my name, again, and then rubs the back of my hand to her cheek. That was very sweet and all but who the hell does that? She doesn't know me. I could have had shit on my hands!


So I go back to join the others when, to my surprise, Nick Ass-ey comes storming by in a giant huff. Following behind him and his Ohioan cronies were two friends who were, as hip-hop types would say, crunk. Apparently, during their piss break they got into a pissing contest and it was clear that both sides were pissed. In no time flat, there he was, Mr. Chicken-of-the-Sea, angrily posted up outside, cursing, flipping them off & yelling at them to come out. It's no surprise that this city has been ranked #3 for both attractiveness and friendliness by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fairy Tales

I loved finding this in the gutter a few months back. I guess even Barbie is in the gutter these days. This is exactly the story that little girls need to be taught especially in this city. Where's redneck prince charming when you need him?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Recently, a friend sold one of his paintings to someone in North Carolina looking to furnish their summer home. What a rewarding feeling to have someone wanting to purchase your art. It's much more rewarding than selling your semen but not always as lucrative as harvesting your eggs.

"I have a black tongue"

That got me to thinking of a time when I was giraffe-like, all thanks to some damn Canadian assholes that managed to infiltrate American television. I'm talking about Sharon, Lois and Bram! Who could forget that irritatingly infectious music that closed the show every episode!

"Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink
Skinnamarink e-doo
I love you"

Sharon, Lois and Bram.
How fucking stupid was that show? Seriously! I also never realized that Bram looked so much like Harry from Harry and the Hendersons! Bram's mom must have fucked Bigfoot. Anywho, one morning, when I was about five or six, Bigfoot Jr. really fucked with my head good. Bram thought it was a good idea to show the kiddies how to chew like a giraffe with the whole awkward side to side smacking. Before I knew it, I was chewing my cereral as if I were grazing the Serengeti. It wasn't just that meal, it was every one thereafter. It's like I couldn't control it. Mary did not take too kindly to that. She set out to stop me.

A few days later, fresh from school, she poured me a bowl of cereal. It's not pertinent to the story but I wish I knew what cereal it was. I digress. She sat and watched me take my first bite and immediately put a stop to it. She made it quite clear that I was not going to be chewing like a camel. This was very upsetting. I wasn't chewing like a camel. I was chewing like a damn GIRAFFE! My mom sat there and held my jaw in place as I chewed. What was she thinking attempting to tame the wild beast. Now Mary was no Dr. Spock but she sure did know how to cure a terrible case of the giraffe chews.

Take a look below at Bram's vacation photo to historic Tombstone.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

What Church Ladies Talk About

Once, when I was in high school, my mom and I took a trip to the local Safeway grocery store and it proved to be most informative. There we were, Mary and I, strolling through the produce section en route to the dairy section when something caught my eye. To my knowledge at that time, I had never seen a Brazil nut before. So, I asked my mom and she told me the name. She stood there for a moment and mentioned that when she was a little girl they used to call them something else but couldn't think of what they were called. At that moment, my friend Bernadette and her mom walked by. Our mothers were also friends, church ladies at St. James Roman Catholic Church. Bernadette's mom leaned in and whispered to Mary NIGGER TOES and kept walking by. I could have passed out from shock. All Mary did was nod her head and walk on. Obviously neither was advocating racism but rather making a reference to the past. I think they could easily be called Mexican Toes depending on how tan Juan is.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Punjabi Phonies or Tandoori Tools?

On February 24, 2009, Indian-American Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana delivered the Republican response to President Obama's address to a joint session of Congress. This character burst onto the national scene at the behest of the Republican Party to not come across as just a bunch of crotchedy old white men. They sure picked the right man for the job. His response fell flat and left much to be desired mainly because he has the charisma of a calcified dog turd. Also like a calcified dog turd, Jindal is a good example of when brown pieces of shit turn white. Don't forget his real name is Piyush Amrit Jindal.

Lookin' good Bobby!

Jindal's high school picture

Fast forward it a little more than a year and switch from Louisiana to South Carolina and you have Republican Nikki Haley. Haley is running for governor of South Carolina and by the looks of it will most likely get elected to the state's highest post. Like Jindal, Haley is also Indian-American but unlike Jindal, she is actually pretty interesting if only for the fact that she has been accused of cheating on her husband several times. I totally believe she's stepping out on him. Her husband has the "gay eyes". Needless to say, she's a calcified dog turd too. Her name is Nimrata Randhawa Haley for fuck sake. Just because y'all have a southern accent and white nicknames doesn't make it so. It just makes you wannabes. Way to go Southern Republicans!

He has Bette Davis eyes

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Wanna Be in Pictures!

The other day, CNN had a great online article about Polish movie posters created during its Communist era. The Polish had different movie posters due to their inability to secure original movie posters from Hollywood therefore leaving commissioned state artists to pick up the slack. What came next were some of the coolest movie posters I have seen. Many of them are abstract and beautiful but they were still under the guise of the Communist regime. Here are a few of my favorites that I came across.


Lord of the Flies

Raging Bull my favorite!!
Short Circuit 2
The Return of the Pink Panther
Weekend at Bernie's

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 225th Birthday America

The summer of 2001 was a memorable one to say the least. I had attended Boys State, a summer leadership and citizenship program sponsored by the American Legion, just as both my older brothers had done. It's a mock government summer camp. I ran for several offices and managed to lose mostly all of them due to my overwhelming charisma and wit. Although, in true political fashion, I was charged with sexual harassment. At an all boys camp no less! For those that know me, this would appear to be a scandalous falsehood. Bogus charges, they wouldn't stick. I did not sexually harass that woman, Linda Voder, the camp director's daughter. He was like 107 years old so she had to at least be on medicare.

Long story short, I was acquitted, took my defamation of character trial all the way to the Boys State Supreme Court and was awarded a $5 judgement. That was a lot of money in those days. You couldn't even pay a prostitute to do anything to you for $5 these days. But oh yes, this was going to be a great summer indeed.

One of the few positives of returning to Coolidge after camp was the fact that I was going to be lifeguarding at the glamorous city pool. For some reason, the city decided to change the official name to the Coolidge Aquatic Center. Please, it's the fucking city pool. Why so metropolitan all of a sudden? It was nothing more than a cement pond down near the Mormon church. It must have been when the city council was trying to woo the International Olympics Committee into considering Coolidge for the 2008 Olympics. Damn you, Beijing. In any event, I was happy to be on board. I helped add Latino flair. Pan dulce (pahn -dool -seh)!

It looked similar to this but simply worse.

On a late June night, behind the wheel of my sister's bitchin' Oldsmobile Omega, I headed off for a night under the stars otherwise known as night swim. Somewhere between my house and the city pool I was bitten by a spider. I didn't vex myself over it at first because I thought it was your typical bug bite. By the end of my shift, it was apparent that something wasn't quite right with my leg. For the remainder of the night, it became increasingly hard to walk let alone bend my knee. The next morning when I attempted to step out my bed, I landed face down and in complete agony.

Fluff your pillow?

I was fucked. At this point, I had ooze coming out of the wound and my leg my plumping up faster than Carnie Wilson after her lap-band failed. I cried out for help but I was home alone. I had to crawl down the hallway and felt like James Caan from Misery. And of course the cordless phone was in a high place! 35 minutes later, my stepmom Gloria showed up and whisked me away to Dr. Francisco Amaya's Family Practice where they made me WAIT another 30 minutes. I'm pretty sure I mentioned I had bloody ooze pouring out of my leg so you can imagine my surprise that this didn't alarm tweedledumb fuck at the receptionist's desk. Finally, nearly 2 hours after waking, I was admitted to the hospital. All that pain but instead of a 200lb. woman wielding a sledgehammer, mine was inflicted by a miniscule but deadly brown recluse spider.

Are you there Rod, it's me an asshole spider!

They let me keep my leg.

For the next two weeks, Casa Grande Regional Medical Center was my home sweet hell. My leg looked like a giant hotdog except when you squeezed it, it resembled a stress release ball. There were a few pleasant people to mention. There was John, the funny physical therapist, who rubbed my leg back to health and Roxie, my dad's favorite nurse. I thought I was on the brink of having a new stepmom. As the Fourth of July rolled by, I still lay in my craftmatic adjustable bed hoping for one that included being out with my friends, drinking and watching fireworks. In lieu of all that, I had nurses, painkillers and the sound of fireworks in the distance. God Bless America.