Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mexicans v. Crypt Keeper

Housekeepers rejoice!

Today, U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton struck down key sections of Arizona's new immigration law, SB 1070. Sorry Arizona Governatrix Jan Brewer. I bet grandma is pissed! You better believe she plans on putting up a fight. Let's hope she doesn't break a hip in the process.

Gov. Jan Brewer
I'll get you my pretties and your little churro too!

After all this is said and done, we have to remember that Article 6 of the constitution says that federal law trumps state law. Suck on that Republicans and Tea Partiers. Somewhere, there is a Mexican landscaper, eating a carne asada burrito from Filibertos in a pick up truck and smiling a little bit bigger.

This carne's for you Juan!

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