Monday, August 2, 2010

Bestiality O's

I love me some cereal. I don't have a particular favorite. I just love to eat it although I haven't purchased a box or a bag in a coon's age. I can just sit there fisting a box of cereal for hours like a tasteful adult film. In a bowl or in a cup, nom nom nom. I can spend hours gabbing about cereal. In college, a friend told me how her grandmother wouldn't call it cereal but rather breakfast food. For example, Amy go ahead and pour yourself a bowl of breakfast food.

If only this were just a sweet little post about going cuckoo for generic Cocoa Puffs but it's not. This is about that damn Cinnamon Toast Crunch! You know the one I'm talking about. The one where the desperate woman in sitting on her couch talking to her dog about the bowl of cereal that is sending her into reckless abandon and ecstasy. She's sick. What is this bitch's problem? So this is what she says to the dog, You know that feeling when I scratch your ear and it's like ooh yeah, well this is mine mmmmm.

This is the dog. Doggy style anyone?

Why is she talking to the dog like that? Does she not know that bestiality is illegal in the United States? Dirty talk to animals should be outlawed especially on TV because if I see someone fucking an octopus during a Count Chocula commercial, I'm gonna be pissed.


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