You learn something new everyday or so it is said. Today, I learned the french word decollete while watching, of all things, the Nanny. I've been forced to watch the Nanny late night on Lifetime because Hallmark Channel thought it would be in the holiday spirit to crush mine by removing Golden Girls reruns from their nightly line-up. I still find myself flipping to channel 47 in the hopes that there isn't some made-for-TV abomination starring some washed up has been soap star of yesteryear. At least play a good made-for-TV movie like Death of a Cheerleader starring Tori Spelling as a popular girl (clearly fictional) that gets killed for being the kind of bitch you want to stab in your mom's station wagon, you know the kind.

Take that Donna Martin!
Anywho, back to what I was talking about. Sylvia, Fran's mother, is up to her usual hi-jinx of trying to get Fran to land herself a successful man. In the process of doing so, Sylvia attempts to hike up Fran's skirt to advertise the goods for her new rich doctor boyfriend. Along with that piece of motherly advice, Sylv tells her to "show some decolletessen". Just the sound of the word decolletessen, which, by the way, is not a word and that she pronounces day-c0ll-eh-tessen. What she is alluding to is the word décolleté which means the bust or meat pillow region. Naturally, she throws her master yiddish spin on it by combining décolleté and delicatessen, a store to buy meats and such. Pure genius! So, I guess the only thing left to say is, MISTA SHEFFEILD!!!!
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