So a few weeks ago, on a Sunday, Nathan came over so he and I could go out and have a drink because I was in sore need of liquor after my drunken nap that consumed most of my evening. We went over to Nathan and Hayley's apartment, in the ghetto no less, so he could change clothes and get an herbal refreshment. I immediately beeline it to Hayley's bedroom where I find her bundled up in bed watching bravo and a fresh US Weekly to boot. We have tons of laughs on account of my delirium and whatever shit-show Bravo is showcasing at that given moment, whether it be hordes of famewhore housewives, a Dr. Phil lookalike matchmaker or even a smart ass haircutting lesbian alien named Tabatha.
Scissor me timbers

"Have yous seen my aquanet Joe?"

Patty, from Millionaire Matchmaker
All joking aside, we came to the conclusion that one star in particular was not shining to it's full potential. I'm not talking about that culinary snooze-fest host Padma or that over accessorized elderly chipmunk Rachel Zoe. Of course, I am talking about Sweetie from the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Sweetie is Kim's assistant/friend/slave. Clearly, I have the wrong job because Sweetie seems to be living the high life, fancy polyester weaves and Kim's palatial duplex at her disposal. Hayley and I decided that someone needed to start her a fan page on facebook. Following an extensive image search I came up short on photos I had to nix the endeavor. So in honor of Hayley's day of birth, I decided to post some pictures of Sweetie and Kim working.

Sweetie getting her sweat on.

All in a hard day's work. Who says that GEDs aren't the way to go?
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