Monday, January 3, 2011

Buddhas In My Belfry

Last night, I couldn't get to sleep. It didn't help that there was a Law & Order: SVU marathon on USA. Damn that Mariska Hargitay and her crime fighting ability. So after deciding that enough was enough, I climbed into bed and stared off into darkness, like so many nights before, when I was suddenly surprised by an unexpected friend. I turn on the bedside lamp and I see a bat flying around. I must admit that I was a bit of a pussy about the situation and immediately threw the blanket over my head. I didn't want to get rabies. The only thing I needed was to start this year off by foaming at the mouth.

So, I continued to squirm under the covers thinking of how I was going to get this fat out of my room. I periodically peeked out to see where the damn thing was and to look for something that would help get it the hell away from me. Afraid that it were going to strike at any moment, I reached out and grabbed the first book I could on the bed stand. My plan was to use the book to hit the bat. I really didn't want rabies. As I got ready to lurch out from under the blanket, I saw that the book I was holding was The Lotus Still Blooms, a book about understanding Buddhist principles. Something told me that there was probably a lot of bad karmic retribution to be had if I killed this damn thing, especially with a Buddhist book.

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