So the following was a Craigslist ad that I responded under the name Arnie McGillicuddy. I hope to make this a reoccurring feature. This guy really had it going on:
Stick it Through - 56 (North SR51)
Everything is dark outside and inside. Stick your cock through and I will take care of it for you. Quick cummers a plus, married a plus, discreet. The lights on the pics are the flash.
This is perfect for a married str8 guy who wants to get off discreetly, fast. Stick it out, in and cum. Just be MUSCULAR and get hard on anonymous sex. NO recip wanted. Its about you. No drugs bugs or tobacco.
Please send ht wt age for response.
Location: North SR51it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Was he for reals? I'm sure he got a lot of responses. What candor that one! So, here is my response:
Dear Stick it Through,
I want to say that I can't wait to stick it through. Once my gymnastics coach told me to stick it through and I did and I won 4th runner-up at the tri-valley fair. The plaque is on my mantel. You can see it when you visit me for grown man's time. I'm sure we will talk about our exes but that's part of the fourplay right? Tears are sexy! I like that you don't show a "traditional" glory hole in your picture, that's refreshing. I think sheer curtains over one half of sliding glass doors adds to the mystique. I know you profess MUSCULAR but I do ask that you take into account that I had a big late dinner. That endless salad and breadsticks at Olive Garden proves too tempting for some. All I need is your address, some alker seltzer and I ride home so we can do this thing right and discreet. 29 5' 11'' 155 30w. The 29 means I'm aged that way. The 5'11'' actually means I'm 5'9 1/2" and the 155 means how much my student loan payments are and the 30w means I wear that size pants. Well-known for my tumbling and expect you to know how to tumble so we's can rumble. Only looking for semi-casual serious.
I think I made it quite clear what my intentions were. Much to my surprise, Stick It Through was a funny one and responded with this:
Dear -Arnie,
I think you must have read my ad and looked at my pic and I say Marvelous. I am sorry about the lateness of my response due to my bleeding forehead . It was such an exhausting evening doing so many glorious penuses (penii?) I fell asleep blowing the last 3 or so and fell knocked my head repeatedly against the wood above the hole, but the str8 men don't seem to care, as long as the mouth is set at open. Although, I'm not quite sure if 4th runner-up qualifies you into my door at this point I'll give you a what for and see if you can get it up because you claim to have a plaque. I won't see your plaque since I won't be visiting or driving you home and am not sure why you are expecting tears and sexiness since waht I am proposing is cut and dry, in and out. Or do you cry when you orgasm? That might explain a little more. I've switched up the pic of my glory hole to the actual one but am happy to see you at least referenced my sheers but the hole is truly a hole in a board. You have perfect stats if they relate directly to age ht and wt. The age reference seems to imply you are aged beef at 29 years but you might be a different age altogether, so I'm not sure about that one. Nor am I sure about 1.5 inches lopped off your height unless it's because of an on line advantage. If you're 5'9 1/2 " you can still reach through the hole. I am delighted to not read of your penus length. So many straight men love to talk about their length. When it comes down on me or down to it or whatever you like, it should fit partially in my mouth and squirt at some point. Just what are you looking thru? Is this your chit chat because it's more than anyone can bear.
Stick it thru
Wow. Sex ads really do bring people together!