So I was driving down Society trying to find a parking spot for the gym when I found a sweet little gem that required some parallel parking. I have dramatically improved my PP skills since living in Charleston so I thought, "Piece o' cake!" As I'm parking I look to my left and sitting across a large segment of curb and sidewalk were a slew of Asians. I mean, what are seven Asians doing sitting on their Chairman Maos at this time of the afternoon? Was someone filming something that required so many slanty sams? I didn't see a tour bus anywhere. But at that moment, I couldn't help but feel as if they were my audience as I performed open-park surgery. I pictured them being very pleased with my park job, seeing that Asians can't drive. As I got out of the car I imagined them all standing in cheer and disbelief. One even grabbing the arm of another saying, "Hey, howa he do thata tlick?" The reality of it all is that they all continued to sit there as I parked. No fanfare. No one gave me a fortune cookie that said something asinine like GRAND RICHES AWAIT YOU or THIS IS HOW YOU SAY SEX GAG IN CHINESE. None of that. So this is being 25?